Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I'm a bit absent-minded, apparently. I don't know if it's stress from school or the varnish from my new ugly floors, but I'm forgetting some things.

I forget that I need a jacket when I leave the house now. I forget that sometimes I need an umbrella. The rain doesn't warn you with thunder and monsoon-like rivers in the parking lot here; I open my window and it looks fine, but when I take the elevator up four floors, walk through the lobby and am halfway to the Metro, I realize it's misting all over my face.

I forget that I don't own a scarf or a hat. I forget that Friday's the autumnal equinox. I forget that if I want to get rid of this T-shirt tan, I need to do it NOW if I don't want to subject myself to a gross tanning bed. I forget that I haven't even seen a tanning salon since I've been here - why are they all over Florida, which is in effect nature's tanning salon, but they're not here?

I forget how long it takes to do the adult chores you're supposed to do before going to bed. I'm used to dragging myself exhaustedly into the bathroom to floss, mouthwash, blah blah blah before I can sleep, but I don't remember to balance my checkbook or vacuum the rug or close the blinds.

I forget that when I leave my windows open at night, even in the middle of July, I wake up sick.

Needless to say, I'm a bit sick right now.

I forget that no one cares, and I still have to finish this paper before tomorrow at 2:10.


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